Sunday, March 28, 2010


Every now and then, I like to blog about the key words that people search for on search engines, the keywords that ultimately lead them to SANTIAGOPAD.BLOGSPOT.COM  It'd be incredibly unVerastic if I were to blog about the regular words.  Who needs those?  The absurd ones make my day any day.  Enjoy.

1.  Turai Yar'Adua
I'm not sure what bothers me most: the fact that the search for Turai leads people to my blog, or the fact that Turai Yar'Adua is the fourth leading search.  I think it's the latter.  And this is all because of that flattering post about her

You think I should tell the searcher that www does not come before this or any e-mail address?  Yeah, maybe later.

3.  Oral sex in the bible.
Oh, honey, been there, done that --- searched for it, that is.  This may be hard to believe, but nowhere in the bible do the words oral sex appear.  Go figure!  But maybe my post on oral sex will help, no?

4. "I found out she's married" "green card"
Now, can you ask her if she'd like to be a co-host on the talk witth funmi' tv Show?  You (or he) can read about the talk show, and the show in question is number 11.

5.  Angelina Jolie stay away from my man
*Gasp* Oh, my goodness!!!  Vanessa Pardis, is this you?  You found my blog! How is Johnny Depp?  Wait, did you read the post I put up about you two three?

6.  Ask girlfriend for facebook password to prove trust.
Sweetheart, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but passwords and trust are almost mutually exclusive.  Besides, she could be like me.  I have several e-mail accounts --- which, of course, only implies that I love e-mails J

7.  Aso Rock boyfriend of Turia Yar'Adua
Turai has a boyfriend at Aso Rock?! I knew it!  Now, it's all starting to make sense.

8.  Girlfriend used to date my friend.
We had an article on this one.  Go Read.

9.  Girlfriend won't give me his Facebook password.
Please refer back to number 6 above.  And when you're done, ask Ray what he thinks about passwords.

10.  Breasts that reach for the sky.
Only a man would search for this.

11.  Does Tonto Dike use Makari?

12.  Get perkier breasts
It's your lucky day!  I know the secret.

13.  How to rededicate my life to Christ.
More often than not, people start with a bible-believing church.

14.  I love my fat wife
Good for you!!

15.  I want a fatter wife
Please refer to number 14 above.

16.  If your girlfriend doesn't call you in a day and doesn't send a text, does he love you?
Heck, if I know!

17.  My friend is technically engaged
You're technically a bestman.

18.  My abs & biceps will get my lady
What kind of abs/bicepsis that, and where can I get one?

19.  Sniff menstruation pads
Before or after they've been menstruated on?

20. Santiagopad Nigerian blogger.
Finally! Someone looks for me JJJ

That's all, folks!  Out of 536 search words - thanks to Google Analytics - I managed to pull 20 out

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