Sunday, March 14, 2010


There seem to be a new vigour to discover Denrele Edun' Personality...i mean wether the dude is Gay, may be Bisexual or ...well, thats if there is any other word close for a guy who is into guys...hmnn...recently on Linda Ikeji's blog, more than half of the comments on a picture Denrele took at the Mr. Nigeria Pageant were directed at plaina nd direct kinda baffled me...wether it was an accusation that has been researched and truth found there-in...

In a recent with Bayo Adetu, the centreal point of the interviews seemed to be centred around his are excepts from the interview...

Have a Happy weekend..

Q: You are one of the foremost entertainment presenters in Nigeria and your fashion style stands you out among your peers. What other things can you attribute your uniqueness to?
A: I am a very original person. I’m not pretentious or hypocritical. I am a jumpy-jumpy person, very open. If you ask me anything about my life, I will open up to you because I don’t lie. Talking about my sense of style, it is a very crazy identity, something I have built over the years. Although I went through hell building the identity, it later pays because people now appreciate it. When I was coming into the industry, there were a lot of television presenters. This made presenting competitive. So, I wanted to be around, a complete package that when the public hears that Denrele is anchoring an event, they will want to be there not only because of what he has to say, but because they also want to see the kind of shoes he’s putting on, his hair style and stuff like that. So, I think what makes me unique is just my personality. I inspired myself to do those things you saw me doing because I don’t smoke or drink and don’t know where my energy comes from. I have not eaten today but I feel like I can run round this estate ten times. I have just got a natural energy and that is what keeps me going.

Q: Talking about your dress sense, the shoes, the bling-bling and other things you put on, how comfortable are you in them?

A: They are so uncomfortable. For me, I think fashion is pain. I know you don’t see fashion as pain because you dress comfortably and you will never sacrifice comfort for fashion. But I think fashion is about being experimental. I am one of those that believe they should savour life while it lasts because something can happen at any time and if anything happens, I will know that I lived my life and enjoyed every bit of it as well as did things that I wouldn’t have done. No girl can even put on the shoes I have on because they are ten inches high, but my clothes are just fun, playful, upbeat, colourful and I make most of them myself. I know that what I put on are uncomfortable because I am skinny and they are heavy, pins are inching me here and there but they are still fashionable.

Q: What does it cost you to get yourself all these things, particularly the shoes?
A: Aside the shoes, a lot of people think I spend too much money on my clothes, but it is not true because I work very hard to get the money and have not been very stupid enough to carry it to a boutique and start spending them on clothes. Because I make my clothes myself, most times, I recycle them. I can wear a jacket hundred times and you will never know it is the same jacket. I am just very lucky I can get away with things like that and besides, it is my clothes, kii l’o kan yin, se eyin le ba mi ra ni abi eyin le ba me se? (what’s your concern, did you buy or make it for me?). My shoes are very expensive but God is still on my side. Some of my shoes are also sent to me by some people and if I tell you the story of this pair I put on, you won’t believe it because they are very expensive. It cost $2,000 but I didn’t pay for them. There is this company I have been patronising in Spain for some time now and when I ordered for the shoes, I told them I wanted 12 inches high shoes and they were like wow, nobody has ever worn anything like that, but I told them not to worry that I will be the first person to wear it. But they made it clear, the left leg of the shoes came in December, while the second came in January. When the shoes were ready, they asked if I like them and I said yes, so they had an agreement with me to be an ambassador of their company and always wear their shoes. The only ones I bought was when I went to the United States and bought things for people without buying anything for myself because I am that kind of person. It was like se mo ya were ni? Mo gbe owo dani mi o de ra anything fun’ra mi (am I insane? I have money on me and I didn’t buy anything for myself). Then I saw a lovely pair of shoes but very expensive and I said to myself, what is the point making so much money when I cannot spend it on myself? that was how I bought the shoes and those are the only ones I have ever bought for myself. I am not too materialistic to spend money unnecessarily. I also spend money on my hair when I can, because sometimes, I will have to go to a salon on the Island, but don’t spend that much.

Q: What can you say are your pains and gains being a showbiz personality?

A: The major one is that there is no privacy. Although I don’t have any problem with it because I am not bothered that people want to be in my life, there are times you would just want to be left alone which I don’t see possible when you are into showbiz. I have never had the time to do anything in secret because there are always people around me. Another point is that because of the nature of my job, I don’t have time to do what you are supposed to do for yourself. The gains is that it has made people accept, celebrate, recognise and acknowledge me wherever I go.

Q: There was this rumour sometime ago that Denrele is a homosexual?

A: I think the truth is that no matter how good you are, people will want to look for a loophole somewhere and penetrate you, but when they don’t find one, they will just say something. I am not bothered about the rumour at all, because if I am gay or homosexual, I will come and say it because I don’t lie, but what the allegation has done to my person is that it has put me in trouble with some people because they started to torment me. I am a kind of person that when they call me and say you are a gay, I don’t shout at them because I am one of the people that affect people positively. I don’t care who you are, your status, age, standing in the society or your sexual preference, I have a lot of gay friends and lesbians, but I don’t mind because it is part of life and life has to be lived. When they started to peddle the rumour, the first one I heard was that I went to a gay party and some people came to me, disturbing me. You know people just make fabrications. My family was not even bothered because they know me very well. What I will say is that when I am getting married, I will invite all of you to come and be part the of occasion.

Q: I also wanted to say maybe you should associate yourself with a lady so that the rumour will no longer hold water?

A: Right now, I am in an on and off relationship with someone. The girl is troublesome and she will nearly kill me if she reads this. The reason I am not into any serious relationship is because of the nature of my job. I don’t have enough time and a lady that will date me has to be very understanding and realise that my job comes first, while my family comes second and any other person later. But if a lady is looking for that concrete attention and commitment, then I am the least candidate she should consider. However, I am trying to deal with it because now, I am one leg in and one leg out.

Q: Let’s talk about the Nigerian music industry. A lot of people believe the industry has grown tremendously in terms of music production and musical videos, how will you rate the industry if you want to be sincere?

A: I work with Sound City and you know it is a music video channel. The influx of videos we get on regular basis is just too much and our library is expanding by the minute.

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