Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey peeps, its a brand new working week and am sure that y'all have return to work, school or basically to that thing that keeps you busy and of course puts food on the table!

Its a brand new week of so much work, loads of meetings and appointments to keep up, but we will get there. We will keep knocking on those offices untill someone decides to grant us that sponsorship package. I really thank all the brands that have given us their support so far, and oh, the response from contestants for sales of forms is indeed overwhelming.

Really appreciate y'all.

Now, really, blogging was off the agenda for today till tomorrow but then i saw this thing that totally got me rolling all over the floor, i just tried to picture the whole thing in my mind and it was so real i couldnt help laughing out loud...guys around me right now are wondering 'what in the freaking world is wrong with me', but i know you guys will find it totally ridiculous but awkwardly funny too! Check it out...

Eminem and Bruno Have a Close Encounter of the Awkward Kind


Eminem knows he’s being paid back by the homo-phobic gods. In last night’s MTV Awards, Bruno was presenting an award for Best Male Performance while he was being lowered down on cables into the crowd. Some sort of ‘accident’ happened and his junk ended up in Em’s face for way too long.

If the 2009 MTV Movie Awards had an award for Most Outrageous Presenter, it would surely go to Brüno, who surprised an unamused Eminem with a front-row view of his manhood.

When it was his turn to present the Golden Popcorn statue for Best Male Performance, Brüno, the gay Austrian fashion reporter, descended via wires from the rafters dressed as some sort of S&M angel — if an angel would be wearing oversized wings, a white gladiator’s costume and a jockstrap — and introduced himself in German, “Ich bin Brüno.” He then appeared to get caught up in his suspension wires, flipping upside down and writhing in apparent pain before asking to be lowered to the floor.

His request was quickly granted and he crashed to the ground — upside-down and directly on top of Eminem, wrapping his legs around the rapper’s head, exposing his bare buttocks within inches of Em’s face. “Eminem, nice to meet you,” said Brüno.

Eminem, who had just returned to his seat after performing a medley of two tracks from his new album, Relapse, was not pleased. “Are you serious?” he said, uttering an expletive and demanding that his bodyguards get Brüno off of him.

A minor melee ensued as Brüno continued to dangle above Em and Em’s protectors tried in vain to remove a winged Brüno from their row of seats.

“Hey, don’t touch me guys!” cried the Austrian. “I’ve already got a boyfriend. Hey guys, let’s continue this in my hotel room!”

As Em left his seat, Brüno asked, “Is the real Slim Shady about to stand up?”

Stand up he did. He then proceeded to leave the auditorium as cameras followed his exit.

Meanwhile, Brüno was still suspended haphazardly above the crowd, yet still managed to present the Best Male Performance award. “The winner is Zac Efron for ‘High School Musical,’ ” he said.

A nonplussed-looking Efron had a tough act to follow — “That was really weird!,” he said — but he was gracious in his thanks for his award, singling out MTV and “the most amazing fans in the world,” as well as his “HSM” castmates.

Am still wondering if this was staged or real but either way, it was ridiculously funny.

What do you guys think???

It’s a Boy! Kimora Lee Gives Birth to Her First Son


It’s official. Kimora Lee Simmons and Djimon Hounsou are the proud parents of a little boy. Its the third child for Kimora and the first for Djimon. No name has been revealed yet. Congrats to the parents. That little boy is going to be laced out.


Mel B Shows Off Her Eight Pack

Mel B

Mel B gave Las Vegas a peek at her ridiculously ripped body yesterday at the US Weekly Hot Bodies Pool Party.

Am totally short of words to describe this, what do you peeps think, how do we describe this???


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