Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hmnnnn...where do i start from, i was determined to keep to my vow not to blog for at least 2 weeks, despite all the calls, the text messages, the emails, Ok, to some of you, i had told all sort of excuses am pardoned right? I realized that my site traffic had also increased by over 1,004 even though i haven't done active blogging.

Ok, its more because i had promised, in fact vowed to ensure that when y'all come for the next biggest gathering come August in Lagos, it's gonna be a blast. Y''all will leave knowing that it was very much worth the waiting and eventually coming out of y'all cribs to be a part of history.

You know pageants in Nigeria is yet to receive that boost in terms of support and sponsorship, you need to constantly persuade, convince, assure, and re-assure. Sponsors think differently. but we just have to keep keping on, knocking on their doors and constantly putting the calls through to their fones until they get tired of us and will like say ' ok, what do you want? take it and leave us alone'. That i can assure all my sponsors that until i get what i want, they a'int having any, cos MR. & MISS INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA i tell you is a like a bomb waiting to explode. o, and i must say that for those of you who keep asking my why my phone keeps going off during the day, you will be amazed at the amount of calls that comes in from the hundreds of prospective contestants who wants to know about the event, where to get their forms, am most inspired. As at the last count, we have received over 630+ calls of enquiry, how impressive.

Ok, you see me again, i actually wanted to just tell you guys that its a big day for me tomorrow, its my BIRTHDAYYYYYYY but here i am talking about pageant, you wont blame now, thats what i do, the work i have come to know and passionate about.
So, people, get ready, we're gonna celebrate in a grand style. the champaign's will flow, the food will come in abundance...just get yourself ready for the grove.

For now, i have a sponsorship meeting in less than an hour so catch you guys pretty later.

Peace out!

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