Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ok, as it seems, i was right when i said it indeed is the season for awards...the keep coming in day after day, from the MTN GHANA MUSIC AWARDS to AMAA now to AFRICAN FASHION AWARDS; so which would be next???

Personally, i love the glamour, the glitz and all the razzmatazz that comes with it but the part i dont usually look forward to is credibility, esoacially here in Africa, but am hoping that this year would be different for most awards here in Africa.
Taking its place right now is the A.F.A..

African fashion is quickly being recognized as style worth watching. The western world is taking notice and taking notes.African Fashion AwardsThe first and exclusive African Fashion Awards, a celebration recognizing and rewarding fashion designers from African and the African Diaspora for their contribution and excellence to the fashion industry, is scheduled to take place at the toney Cumberland Hotel in London on August 22, 2009.

This exclusive annual celebration aims to showcase the creative individuals that are largely ignored by the mainstream fashion industry and be a voice for African fashion designers. There will be two glamorous catwalks, and they are expecting several fashion and media celebrities to grace the awards.

The following public will weigh in on the work of the fashion designers and nominate them in the following categories:

* AFA Designer of the Year
* Womenswear Designer of the Year
* Menswear Designer of the Year
* Accessory Designer of the Year
* Sponsor’s Award for Emerging Talent (Womenswear)
* Sponsor’s Award for Emerging Talent (Menswear)
* Sponsor’s Award for Emerging Talent (Accessory Design)
* Teen Designer of the Year

To learn more about this exciting event, visit their website, or their Myspace page.


Its a great read...This edition just makes me like the mag more and more...))

Ok, thats all for now, have so much work piled up waiting to be sorted out and also another board of director's meeting in less than half an hour...ah, wish sometimes i could just make life revolve around me...you know, when i tell day when to break and night when to fall, wont it just be sooo wondeful? but like they say, you just can't have it all.. so here i am, still very grateful to God for a beautiful day...

Ok, before i start another sermon, let me zoom out of here...catch you guys much later



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