Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rihanna: Lesbian, Bisexual, Or What Else?

Rihanna lesbian or bisexual?
Rihanna lesbian or bisexual?

A sexual scandal over a topless photo and lesbianism rumor! Rihanna has it all these days!
On January 28, a photo of topless Rihanna hit the web. In the photo, the singer appears wearing nothing but black panties while smiling to her cell phone.
Apparently, Rihanna sent the photo to her former boyfriend Matt Kemp, who shared it with some friends. And this is how the picture made its way out over the Internet.
Meanwhile, model Tajah Burton claimed she enjoyed a sexual affair with Rihanna a year ago. That means, Rihanna is a lesbian. Or at least bisexual.

"We had an amazing connection. We would order food in together, we watched TV together, we did all kinds of stuff. I listened to her music with her. Music is her life. It became a sexual thing. It only lasted a couple of weeks because she was very busy and had a lot going on in her life and we had to be secretive. I would say she's bisexual. It was really exciting. It was unexpected and it was very fun. The sex was really good but there was more to it we really had a connection. She inspired me and we helped uplift each other", the model told The Sun.

A few years ago, Rihanna was believed to be lesbian when she said: "All humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes. I mean, I could see myself in a relationship with a girl".

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