Wednesday, January 13, 2010


He operates in a world of his own, threading, soaring and flying where angels and eagles dare not. He is a dreamer and dream maker at once. A media magnate, an aviation, tourism and travels professional,  educationalconsultant for top national/international instituitions for oversea's students study programme, entrepreneur and lately show business impresario. His deft touch has transformed many of his projects into gold, but not without a prize.He is a man driven by the desire to succeed. He craves success the way mortals crave food and seems not to be fazed one bit by the criticisms of his detractors, who have labelled him severally Mr. Perfectionist, heartland showboy, and ultimate duke.

He is in touch, very much so with the waters that he swims in daily; he is almost a veteran, at only thirty something years of age. That is obviously a big accomplishment in a profession where only the bold, the boisterous and the brave survive.

The HATS  group [comprising of AVIATION, TRAVEL & TOURS and EDUCATIONAL  CONSULTANCY]  is now a solid and credible enterprise in Nigeria.
The GROUP has now spun off other social and money-making projects, all evidence of the man Buchi, his dreams and midas touch.

Even though he has had his finger's burned by various quest to ensure that 'what is' is 'what it is' in the world of entertainment and pageantry, yet, that has not in anyway deterred him, rather it only succedded in fueling the already strong passion that signatures Buchi's personality.
Buchi's glamour, showmanship, unnerving drive and sartorial taste has attracted controversies. That is to be expected if one lives by the winner –takes- all creed. He forayed into the exclusive but lucrative Malaysian entertainment/pageant market, thus becoming the few priviladged Nigerian pageant enterprise to truly go global, the success of which would have spurned other projects across the globe.

The hype alone on his events, major of which is the 'Night of Afro Wonder's' couldn't save the project which collapsed eventually. Buchi licked his wounds and accepted defeat like all mortals; he retreated as a true battle ship commander and has now bounced back with other projects that would catapult him and his Headline Group & HATS Travel & Tours Company into the international scene.
Not a man to give in easily, having now gotten used to such down-low experiences dating, Buchi, Now a survivor of the publishing game, Nduka's other social projects such as the annual FACE OF WORLD NIGERIA, DUKE OF WORLD NIGERIA, COMMONWEALTH FASHION WEEK to mention but a few. Events that have since become prominent features in Nigeria's social calendars attracting A-list celebrities and power brokers both within and outside Nigeria.

As if the universe is no longer enough to accommodate the size of his vociferous ambitions, Buchi George, the master and commander of the HATS GOUP & HEADLINE GROUP ship has recently chartered and navigated into new waters.

At a time when the current mood and discussions in the public and private sectors is on the issue of nation branding and the attendant economic benefits, a time when government's efforts at re-branding Nigeria has remained plainly political gimmickry – all talk and no action. Buchi has scored yet another master stroke with the maiden edition of the event FACE OF WORLD INTERNATIONAL; a gathering of over 123 nations from across the globe on Nigerian soil. An event that will catapult Nigeria to a dimension that will see an increase in the nations foreign direct investment and tourism identification, development, marketing and promotion.

Despite all the recent travel warnings being issued by the American, United Kingdom and other western governments concerning Nigeria's security and stability, and particularly the American government's 2005 prediction that Nigeria is a failed state that would break apart within 10 years, it is indeed a public relations masterstroke for Nigeria as the likes of Stephanie F. Chase, Ronnie Morris, Dave Hickman, Alan Smith, etc. have confirmed their desire to be in Nigeria for the mega event.

Hats off to the master truly, are a gift to this generation.

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