Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TransTales Entertainment provides African Tales in 3D Animation

TransTales Entertainment creates a great web-based animated series that highlights Nigerian folktales, including the very popular animated film,  ‘Mark of Uru’ . In this particular story, Azuka is a girl born with a birthmark identical to the tattoo of a sinister sorceress Uru, who died long ago. Despite her mother’s effort to conceal the birthmark, it is eventually discovered, and the annihilation of the child becomes imminent, in order to protect her people from the curse of Uru. The intervention of the earthbound elemental spirit, Isi-Agu, and his protégé, Etido, forestalls Azuka’s execution. She is taken to a sacred mountain well beyond the reach family, friends and foes.

The Mark of Uru
The Mark of Uru

The moment she grows into a woman under the protection of Isi-Agu and Etido, the news of her survival sparks a deadly manhunt initiated by people bent on her annihilation, in order to protect everyone from the curse of Uru. The chaos is heightened by the emergence of malignant elements with the intent to capture her and utilize the powers she might posses.

Caught in the midst of the chaos, her longing for answers grows. With the assistance of a band of outcasts, she embarks on a grueling journey, through the most treacherous terrains to unravel the mystery behind her bizarre birthmark.

TransTales Entertainment was started with a budget of less than $5000 by Segun Williams and Obinna Onwuekwe, two men who were determined to fill a void in African animation. They were rewarded with a United Nations World Summit Award (this award encourages the use of technology to promote AFrican culture). Onwuekwe  does most of the animation himself and uses a handful of freelancers. The studio is plans to hire additional full-time animators once it finds more commercial success, and is planning to produce two feature-length films a year. It’s also in talks to create a TV series.  You can keep up with their developments on their Facebook page.  They have produced two other titles–‘Business and Pleasure’, and ‘Enemy of the Rising Sun’.


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