Saturday, November 13, 2010

‘I’m Sorry To Say, But 2face Is Empty’ – Sir Shina Peters

One wonders what is Sir Shina Peter’s yardstick for  ‘emptiness’ or probably he has given the word another definition.

If you missed the report, Sir Shina Peters called ‘legendary lyricist’ TUface empty in an interview with the NET newspaper correspondent. He is quoted to have said: ‘…I want to see someone like 2face to be very successful because everything is just name. But deep down, I’m sorry to say this, he’s empty and it’s not good for our artistes…

Caution would be to wait till the newspaper hit the entire interview... but how can Tuface be ‘empty’?

The question is if Tuface is empty then D’banj, P square and Banky W are WHAT???


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why now....thats not a nice thing to are suppose to encourage this people and not pull them down...