MODU SEYE, a native of West Africa came to the United States eight years ago. Seduced by the American Dream, he separated from his family to carve a niche in the land of opportunity. Multi-lingual, his quiet voice leads clients to reach their dream of creating their physical best. Patient and caring, he tones and sculpts bodies crying for help in a quest with many casualties in the fitness myriad of conflicting edicts and platitudes. He personalizes fitness to meet the quest of the client and the texture of their own platform. Beyond training, he guides clients into a lifestyle that produces magnificent healthy bodies and habits for people craving the information that creates the image perfect for each individual. Above training, he sculpts minds into a dialed in mindset that overcomes bad habits. Lifestyle and physical perfection reign supreme in the gym of the SUNGOD. Confidence and personal power result in success in all aspects of life. MODU’s clients learn strategies that help them reach their goals.
Educated in Nebraska, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s in Business, MODU dreams of touching lives. The formula for success that powers his life touches others with healing information and activities to create perfection. He blends folk information, education and integrity. A SAG actor, his compelling look brings new excitement to film and television. An enchanting presence on red carpets and entertainment industry gala, MODU SEYE is a testament to living the African Dream.

The trendiest fashion accessories of the moment for Modu are Big Watches, Bracelets and Kangols hats.
Seye's top designers as far as African designers, he does not know many yet, as far as international, Armani Exchange and my own designs from ModuVated.

highlights so far?
I would say my biggest highlight was qualifying to become a member of SAG (Screen Actor Guild) which is not easy, and being able to do what I do in the most well-known city, Los Angeles, where I have made my mark. And today have my own clothing line. I have a lot of connection in the modeling industry. So when I came up with ModuVated concept I teamed up for the clothing a well known designer named Sterling Williams. He did the designing of the clothing.
the weirdest thing a fan ever told you on these platforms?
She said she would buy a brand new car for me if I would spend a night with her. I would’ve done it if she was hot. (Laughs out loud)
Do you get any jobs through social networking platforms like Facebook?
Definitely it has an impact since I am managing my business by myself; it helped me a lot to grow my business; I get requests all over the world and what I convey to people. It helped me put the ModuVated concept out there around the world with no investment.
Do you have any special diets or habits to stay in shape?
I never drink alcohol or do any drugs; never tried them in my life. I don’t believe in diet, but I eat very clean; a lot of oatmeal, chicken, steak, and salad. I avoid processed foods, fried foods, sugar and high fat dairy. I don’t eat 2hrs before I go to bed otherwise I don’t give my system time to digest the food.
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