Tuesday, June 15, 2010


"A-Z: life lessons" is a 26 chapter, 94page book that stands out from the everyday book in the freestyle approach of the author, the text of some of the chapters are in shorthand, and every chapter has its unique pictorial expression, it explores the multifaceted experience of the author.

It is a book that makes you appreciate the undiluted thoughts of a 21st century 20year old as it is a product of a selection from the 365 day old archive of the 20year old author. The beauty of this lies in the fact that every page leaves you with something you can relate with; something the old can pick up and feel young remembering their youthful days, something the young can read and appreciate ‘youthfulness’ yet again , This book bears great trans-generational relevance!!

It's a blend of poetry, short stories and motivational text; it speaks of comfort and discomfort, it speaks about the constant and the constantly changing, it talks about our everyday lives. It's a book you would want to read, keep and re-read.

The book is authored by Tolulope Akanni, a 20 year old member of the Covenant University Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduating Class of 2010, a blogger and C.E.O of the Brands and Event consultancy outfit, El Fiz Concept.
Published: May 2010.

Details of the launch are stated below


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