Monday, August 17, 2009

Afghanistan Men Allowed by Law to Starve Wives if They Dont Give Them Enough Sex+Actor Pete Edochie Kidnapped+OBEHI CHRISTINA EDIALE HOST'S 'SPEEDQUEE

Men in Afghanistan Allowed by Law to Starve Their Wives if They Are Not Giving Them Enough Sex


This is some crazy ish right here:

An Afghan bill allowing a husband to starve his wife if she refuses to have sex has been published in the official gazette and become law.

The original bill caused outrage earlier this year, forcing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to withdraw it. But critics say the amended version of the law remains highly repressive. They accuse Mr. Karzai of selling out Afghan women for the sake of conservative Shia support at next week’s presidential election. The law governs family life for Afghanistan’s Shia minority.

Sexual demands

The original version obliged Shia women to have sex with their husbands every four days at a minimum, and it effectively condoned rape by removing the need for consent to sex within marriage. Western leaders and Afghan women’s groups were united in condemning an apparent reversal of key freedoms won by women after the fall of the Taliban. Now, an amended version of the same bill has passed quietly into law with the apparent approval of President Karzai. Just ahead of this Thursday’s Afghan presidential election, human rights groups suggest the timing is no accident. “There was a review process – Karzai came under huge pressure from all over the world to amend this law, but many of the most oppressive laws remain,” Rachel Reid, the Human Rights Watch representative in Kabul, told the BBC.

“What matters more to Karzai is the support of fundamentalists and hardliners here in Afghanistan whose support he thinks he needs in the elections.” Women’s groups say its new wording still violates the principle of equality that is enshrined in their constitution. It allows a man to withhold food from his wife if she refuses his sexual demands; a woman must get her husband’s permission to work; and fathers and grandfathers are given exclusive custody of children.

SMH. No words for that…

Actor Pete Edochie Kidnapped

Pete Edochie Kidnapped

One of Nigeria’s most respected actors, Pete Edochie was kidnapped yesterday on the Afor-Nkpor road, near Onitsha. The actor was on his way from his home in Enugu to an event in Onitsha when his car was ambushed and then he was abducted. The police and the governor’s of both Enugu and Anambra are aware of the situation. They are working towards identifying his current location and securing his release.This is really a sad situation, when the news broke late last night, Yours truly was hoping that there would be happier news by the morning but this has not happened yet.Another example of the desperation and lack of rule of law in Nigeria. Pete and his family are in our prayers and we hope he is rescued today.


lt was an evening of fun, excitement, glamour and so much paparazzi as Obehi Christina Ediale hosted the maiden edition of her style gig tagged 'SpeedQueen'.

The event held at Pearl Club in Victoria Island Lagos.

Some of the deigners who showcased for the night included Kholyns Contemporary Couture, Zelua Collections, And some other up-coming deisgners who really rocked with their favourite collections.

Entertainment was enmass with both up-coming and new-on-the-block artistes who all thrilled the audience without measure.

Enjoy some of the pictures from the show...(the quality is not that good though!)

Zelua Collections

Clothed by zelua,Jewelries by Perfect Ideas..

Shogon & Vector doing their thing..

Emco-Aritist from Modemen Magazine..

Kemistry Olisemeka and Denrele Edun

X-pressions' hair representatives at speed queen..

Angela Sung An X- pressions' rep being interviewd by Denrele..

Clothed by Kholyns contemporary Couture.

Bandits dance group..

Ok peeps, thats all for today...see you folks later!

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