Wednesday, July 22, 2009


hello y'all doing today?

i have been following our Gov' over sometime know, try to compare and contrast and i realised how blessed some of us are to be lagos know for a long time now we have a state where things work or perhaps are working...

You and i can go to sleep at least even if not both eyes closed at least one, not like before where we take turns to keep vigil not knowing which of the night guest's (armed robber's) will be kind enough to visit us and leave us of course with a bad tatse.

indeed, could go on and on and on about how Lagos has taken a new dimension, infact, a new state.

Its a change for the better and indeed we have our govenor, Babatunde Raji Fashola to thank.

Check out the new Lagos in pix.

Relaxation gardens by the water-ways in CMS

Onipanu Expressway towards the pedestrian bridge

Onipanu Newly constructed pedestrian bridge

Onipanu Newly constructed pedestrian bridge

Palmgroove Garden

Palmgroove Express

Palmgroove Garden

Palmgroove Garden Walk-way

Reconstructed Surulere express

Reconstructed Surulere express

So, what do you guys think? He is just a man after all, remember...there are flaws to every man but then, in our hearts of hearts, you will agree with me Lagos indeed as taken a new shape.
Eko Oni Baje o!

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1 comment:

Balbus said...

I am loving it!
Eko oni baje laye!