Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hey peeps, been trying to post this particular post since saturday but i guess the forces that roam blogville have refused to let me, especially the ones that feel soooo offended that 'his Excellency', the world's most powerful man from the world's most powerful nation has refused to pay 'respect' to the most populous black nation on earth, infact, the giant of Africa, and....ok, could go on and on and on....

Well, am still going to try posting today and i am hoping that it eventually passes without the blogville forces noticing it this time around...right?...lol

Finally the world's most powerful man touched down the country that has been referred to as 'THE GATEWAY TO AFRICA' and has returned back.
President Obama's visit is indeed one that holds so much in store for Ghana.
Ok, am i excited that he is in Ghana; YES! am i sad that he did not come to Nigeria, YES!...well I still have a part of my origin all the way from the gold coast so, either way, am on the winning side from the benefits this visit will bring to Ghana and lets hope in the nearest future to Nigeria...:))

Ok, for everything that will be great, it does not come easily, and so did Obama's visit...Heavy rain was falling on the day of President Obama's historic visit to Ghana but ceased a few hours prior to his arrival, apparently due to divine intervention.

Ghanaians awoke on Friday morning to dark skies and a gloomy forecast on the day they had anxiously anticipated. It appeared the celebrations in lieu of the long awaited arrival of President Obama would be somewhat tamed by the unpredictable weather, with rain falling incessantly.

However, as Friday evening approached, soon to the appointed hour for the presidential arrival, the rain suddenly subsided to the joy and relief of all. Reports suggest that divine involvement may have influenced the weather change.

Prophet TB Joshua, the founder of The Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria, and mentor to Ghanaian president, John Evans Atta Mills, had earlier sent a message to Ghanaians that the rain would soon cease, and nothing would hinder Obama's historic visit. He further said that the memorable visit would be a success for Ghana, and Africa as a whole.

Hours after his declaration and following supplication, the rain ended. In neighboring Nigeria however, the downpour continued with increased venom.( hmnnn...talk about 'a prophet not respected in his homeland?...yeah, a typical example)

Anyway, here some pics...more..!

The Obamas' meet pregnant women during their hospital tour of the LA General Hospital in Ghana

US President Barack Obama with First Lady Michelle Obama, with their daughters Melia and Sasha participate in a tour of Cape Coast Castle in Cape Coast, Ghana

US President Barack Obama listens as Ghanaian President John Atta Mills deliver remarks during a departure ceremony in Accra, Ghana,

Right peeps, that’s much as I could get posted, ...

Well, Obama's visit of course naturally seems to have drawn a lot of attention from around the world to Ghana. Loads of Hollywood celeb's have started making commitment to visit the country in the nearest future...chief amongst them is Pop star and longtime Africa activist, U2’s

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