Friday, July 31, 2009

Koko Mansion wk4 post-eviction interview

Being sequestered in any kind of enclosure – be it a prison, boarding school, or even the Koko Mansion could be a really daunting task. And as such, one is wont to wonder what could be the motivation factor for the candidates who give up being with their friends and family, and the sanctity of their privacy to pursue a life subjected to the prying eyes of public scrutiny. Well, for the Rekana Sharon Ojong who was evicted from the Koko Mansion after 28 days of basking in the opulence of the mansion, her motivation was simple, frank, and straight forward, “ I guess I was able to cope with the demands of being isolated with 11 strangers in the mansion, because I kept my eyes fixed on the goal” Rekana began, “the 5 million naira prize and the opportunity to be classified as an ideal Nigerian woman was my primary motivation – but after a while the education we were getting in the mansion became the major motivation – we were taught several things such that we learned how to manage a home on budget, we were tutored by Grace Oforiokuma from Style and Grace, and we received countless lessons in poise, elocution, etiquettes, and even how to tie gele – but more significantly I learned how to live with other people, and how to control my temper”

But then, it was more out of necessary curiosity to find out how she felt when was uprooted from all these activities she’d so fondly spoken about, and the emotions that ran through her mind when D’banj didn’t save her during the eviction, and she said, “ I didn’t expect D’banj to save me a third time – if he had done that, I would have felt a bit suspicious of his intentions” she revealed, “in fact, when I was shortlisted for eviction – I just got ready for the outside world”. One would have expected Rekana to feel sad about her eviction, considering the fact that it may have been perceived that she never really got to prove to the world through her performance that she was really a fashionista; but then she quickly rebuffs this assertion by saying, “I don’t think I disappointed those who believed in my fashion abilities” Rekana stated as a matter of fact, “I think I performed very well as a fashionista – asides from coming second during the fashion and style task, I used to dress people up in the mansion – I was more of the in-house stylist in the mansion, I was always consulted by the contestants on issues regarding styling and fashion – and I really enjoyed practicing my innovative concepts of Rita” Rekana concluded with a warm and innocent chuckle.

How would Rekana exploit the celebrity status which she’s earned due to her participation in the Koko Mansion? How does she plan to make the best out of the exposure she’s received, and what would she do now that she’s got her life back? This series of questions revealed a focused and calculated Rekana, as she responded, “first of all I’d like to further my education by going in for a masters degree in international relations, after that I’d upgrade my knowledge of fashion by understudying some fashion veterans, or even go to a fashion school, before starting a fashion consultancy outfit, because I believe there’re prospects in this niche service – many society men and women sometimes have this need to dress and appear unique at special events, but they need someone who can advise them on what to wear, and probably even help them procure the right fabric and the right designer to produce that outfit that would make them stand out on the red carpet – this is what I’ve been doing on a small scale, but I’m taking the plunge to expand my clientele”.

Rekana: Staying Real and Relevant [pt. 2]

From talking about her ambitions for the future, we took a crazy detour to discuss her memorable mansion experiences, and as usual it was mandatory to get her version of the “after 10 PM specials” story, of which she was economical with information, “after 10 PM, the mansion is more like what goes on during the day, but the arguments and disputes get more aggressive because the ladies like to settle their beef at night when they know the cameras have been turned off”. Okay, let’s let her go off with that stingy account of what goes on behind the scenes, but then, let’s hear what she has to say about the allegations that she was in a clique, “I was not in any clique” she vehemently denies, “ I even got angry when my name was associated with a certain group of girls, i.e Shona and Chidinma – come to think of it, the last time I heard that clique thing was in high school, but then just because I was in the same room with Shona and Chidinma, the loudmouths quickly assumed I was in a clique with them which is so untrue – I didn’t even have friends in the mansion, because some of the girls just wanted to be friends for a reason, so they can gossip about someone else with you because they felt threatened by that person – I just couldn’t subscribe to that kind of inferior mentality”

Interesting, but wait until you hear what she said about the Kokolet she’d have picked to be evicted in her place if she had the opportunity, “if I had the power to evict someone, I’d pick Shona, because despite the fact that people think she’s intelligent, to me, she’s not being real – she is just faking her personality – I believe she’s not intelligent when it comes to discussing issues other than the usual girlie stuff –I like to see ladies with brains like Bolanle” she revealed, and then continued, “my second choice would be Chidinma because I’m scared that she’s going to explode very soon, because she’s been bottling up a whole lot of issues inside her – even when someone upsets her, she hardly shows it – and I think it’s not right not to really express those things you’re feeling inside”.

She also expressed her disappointment with some of her teammates who had double standards, “when we had a forum with D’banj during the Shona reward saga –Elizabeth said it was a group thing and Shona shouldn’t come with us to the reward, but when she came face to face with Shona and the rest of the girls, she rescinded her original opinions to look good in front of Shona”. To Rekana, this was an act of cowardice.
On the celebrity visit that made the most impact on her, Rekana said, “when Buki Ajayi came to the mansion to speak with us, it was like my own mother was talking to me – Funke Akindele was nice too, but Omawumi made me realize that it wasn’t about who wins the competition, but how you utilize the opportunities the competition has given you”

She’s looking forward to returning to her loving family, “when I got off the show, the first call I made was to my father, and when he assured me that he watched the show was proud of my performance I almost cried, so I just want to go home and prepare his favorite meal for him”, unveiling a genuine affection for her father.
But just before heading out of the door with her suitcase, she had to inform her fans about whom she’d be voting for now that she’s out of the competition, “at first I was thinking Rita, but when I thought about it – I discovered that Rita needs a great deal of polishing before she can possess the qualities of an ideal woman – since then, I’ve come to believe that Bolanle deserves my vote because she is intelligent, smart, well-spoken, and beautiful – so I’d be campaigning for Bolanle.

Then it was goodbye to Rekana from the Koko Mansion.

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