Wow! I just might be one of the late bloggers on the American election result, but you won’t be quick to blame me, i have been up since as early as 4:00am this morning and till 5pm am yet to get over it, am still highly intoxicated, i mean basking in the euphoria of a victorious election.
Words have failed me in rightly expressing myself but then, i know i have to put something down here, you can only understand how i feel by the time you see me.
Unlike so many, am not happy because the guy who won is a ‘BLACK’ man, nope, am not into all that racial bullshit, a lot of Nigerian’s and the world over celebrate because Obama is a black man, for me its way beyond that, its first because a democrat has once again assumed the highest honour in a land considered the most powerful nation in the world.
Secondly, i see focus and determination taking its place, the price of hard work and strategic planning having the order of the day.
Thirdly, i see a man who is willing, ready and have the necessary elements to effect a change (in not just one country as whatever affects America will certainly make an impact on the rest of the world) that has eluded a lot of masses who’s voice has been silenced through absurd tax cuts, unemployment and most especially the lack of hope.
So, if your reason for celebrating is because of all the above, then you are surely invited as much as welcome to my exclusive ‘winner’s party’.
Join the rest of us, as we count the gains if consistency, focus, hopes and a dream that has come to stay after over five decades of continuous fight.
Welcome to a new dawn, the beginning of the rest of our lives as a people who can identify a true spirit, a cause that needs all the support and following it irrespective of our social, material, emotional, physical and whatever difference that might have existed between us before now.
As we celebrate, i want us to take out time to really identify the victory of the American presidential Election can have on us as a nation-Nigeria.
How do you think we as a nation can benefit from this history that has been made?
The celebrities were at Grant Park in strength to witness the historic event of the election of the 44th President of the United States of America, president-elect Barack Obama.
Jesse Jackson and Oprah stood with tears flowing freely down his cheeks as he listened to Obama give his acceptance speech. It was indeed an historic event, from the announcement of his candidacy, to the mobilization of everyday people into what has become, in essence, a movement. There were
Here are pictures of the few i could lay my hands on...
Hill Harper
Spike Lee and Reverend Jesse JacksonOprah
That’s it for today. Cheers and see you guys later.
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