Monday, March 21, 2011


Abdul Sammir Hamman, Better known as Ash to his friends is one of those rare artists that appeals to all ages, genres and tastes. He treads the fine line between cutting-edge verve and all encompassing appeal, embracing pop and hip-hop whilst retaining his R&B roots. With an astonishing voice far belying his tender years and an impeccable ear for melody. The Nigerian born singer, songwriter, dancer and entrepreneur raised in the UK and US is bringing fresh air to the Dubai music scene. As C.E.O and president of Immaqul’8 Entertainment (pronounced immaculate), he came to the attention of the music scene back in 2003 with the Booker T revamp of his club smash Bounce 2 This, which reached top 20 in the national charts whilst retaining the number 1 spot on the UK Garage and Club.

Ash performed live at the Miss World beauty pagent Contest at the grand final at London's Alexander Palace, flanked by celebrities, the international media, with over a worldwide viewing audience of 700 million people!

In simple words Ash is a fountain of talent, a true star, with tremendous performing abilities. With Ash, there is bound to be a Revolution. Stay awake, stay tuned, its Immaqul’8, Ash. 


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