Saturday, January 29, 2011

Elton John's Family Portrait Censored in Arkansas Store!

Elton John's cover censored
Elton John's cover censored

Elton John and David Furnish introduced their son Zachary Jackson Levi Furnish John on the cover of Us Weekly and OK! Magazine. 

But not everybody was happy to see the pictures. Actually, the magazines have been considered too offensive for young shoppers at a grocery store in Arkansas. The image has sparked an international uproar after Harps Grocers south of the Mason-Dixon Line where caught using a plastic magazine cover to hide the family portrait. The placard read: "To protect young Harps shoppers".

A popular shopper from Arkansas saw the placard and Tweeted a photograph of the censored mag cover to GLBTQ activists like Anderson Cooper, Kathy Griffin, Ellen DeGeneres, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the ACLU with the message: "This was taken at my local grocery store…They are saying they need to keep children from seeing it, because it is a gay family. can you help bring attention to this?"

Soon the placard was removed.

"The decision to cover the magazine was not a corporate decision but one made by a store employee at one of our 65 stores. Harps has never and would never discriminate", Harps CEO Roger Collins said.

"In this case our store manager received some complaints and, as has been our custom, placed the shield over the cover of the magazine. When we began receiving complaints at our corporate office, we reviewed the magazine in question, removed the shield and are selling the magazine in all our locations today without any shield", Kim Eskew, president of Harps Food Stores Inc. said in a statement.

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