Thursday, March 18, 2010

...Jesus Please Take The Wheel: Drunk And High Father Leaves Baby In Oven

I almost fell off my seat when my eyes fell on this story...i was like WHAT? Is he freaking out of his mind? ...
Read the story...

Officials in Kentucky have Larry Long, a cook at a local restaurant, in custody after they say he drank so much alcohol and smoked so much marijuana that he mistakenly put his 5-week-old baby in the oven. The mother, Brandy Hatton, also admitted that she had four or five shots of whiskey when Long came home. Hatton then says she awoke the next morning around 5:00 a.m. to sounds of her baby crying and found the infant in the oven.

Thee only good thing was that the baby was not harmed...
Can you beat that?

Hmnn...this life is full of shit and mysteries[pardon the language...but i can't seem to get out of the shock of it]

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